Nick Davenhill

Nick Davenhill


When I was a child, my family frequently moved around the country. For an introverted child, this meant numerous new schools, a lot of teasing and persistent loneliness. This culminated in the development of anxiety disorders which further ostracised me from the world and led to me turning inwards to escape into other worlds through gaming. I did not have anyone to talk to during this time and I genuinely believe that having a mentor that played video games with me would have meant the world.

 I did learn to overcome my anxiety and hatred of schooling, through introspection, and returned to education as an adult to obtain a BSc (Hons) in Psychology from the prestigious University of Bath. I went on to conduct published research within evolutionary social psychology and then on to work as a statistician for the Ministry of Defence. Now, however, I see this project as a chance to meaningfully impact lives. To give children in a harsh place psychological support and friendship to hopefully make their world a little bit brighter.

 During my degree, I also volunteered with children and young adults with a variety of SEN at Bath Mencap. We would meet weekly to provide friendship as well as to help integrate them into the wider community through various excursions. In addition to relevant modules during my degree, I have also received further specialised training regarding Autism, PDA and Safeguarding.

 Favourite Games: Dota 2, Warhammer Total War, Fortnite, Factorio, Rocket League, Divinity

 Other Interests: Achievement Hunting, Football, Cats, American Football, Anime

Favourite Games

Dota 2, Divinity: Original Sin, Factorio, Rocket League, Witcher 3, Satisfactory, Deep Rock Galactic, Total War Warhammer II, Final Fantasy VII, Apex Legends.


Football (Crystal Palace), American Football (Pittsburgh Steelers), Cats, Anime – (Bleach), Dota / F1 Esports.

My Pets

Two cats called Bella and ‘Little’ Ren.

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