Karl Andrews

Karl Andrews


To where I am now, my journey started from school, not sure on what path I was to take, a little lost and had found myself lacking confidence and feeling deflated in the search of apprenticeships and further steps in college life; then in 2010 I fortunately had the opportunity to become a Sports Coach, fast forward to today, now with over a decade of experience and founding of my own sports coaching company, I have been privileged with teaching children and young people from all walks of life.

My commitment to inclusivity is reflected in my training and experience in working with young individuals with ADHD and SEN. My coaching philosophy is catered to the whole individual and based on fun, kindness and building confidence, whilst adapting a nurturing nature, picking up and trying to enhance each individuals aspirations.

I am extremely proud to be part of the team as I feel the vision and initiatives of MindJam resonates strongly with my coaching philosophy.  The mentoring side of sports coaching has impacted my life positively throughout the years, knowing that I have helped anyone in any way possible, finishes my days perfectly. Now I have a young son who is currently 2, I hope to learn from what he is going to teach me in fatherhood.

When I’m not coaching, I enjoy family day trips, building memories. I love Football and Basketball but don’t play as much as I used to, but I do follow a few teams. I follow F1, NFL and Tennis tournaments too. I’m not too bad at electronics, I’ve built many gaming PC’s, fixed family members computers and laptops, soldered a few PCB boards, I have some experience software end too.

I’m an avid gamer, since the days of the Sega Megadrive, my all time favourites are tied between the Metal Gear Franchise and Halo Franchise, Destiny franchise is up there too! though I usually spend my time on Rainbow six siege, Fortnite or FIFA. 

I have built many lifelong friendships through gaming, and strongly believe it’s a great platform to thrive and learn, be it life, social or communication skills.

I am ready to get going, and ready to help you achieve your aspirations.


We'd love to hear from you.

If you would like our team to get in touch with you to discuss how we can help you and your young people through our services, please feel free to fill out our contact form, and we will be in touch as soon as possible to talk you through enrolling with one of our mentors or counsellors

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